Our vision is to contribute to your success while maintaining our product quality, in having an environmental approach in our company and in guaranteeing the health and safety of our employees.

ISO 9001 certified since 2007
Our quality policy comprises 6 prioritary axis :
- Customer safisfaction
- Performance improvement
- Increase our competitivity in our activities
- Development of our product brands
- Development in integration of equipment and software development in order to offer our customers a complete solution
- Employee personal development

In order to limit the risks and negative impacts, new technologies development, waste reduction, research of alternative material constitute among others our prevention actions.
We wish to implement an environmental management system in order to improve our performances in a sustainable manner.
Make visible quality, based on our Management system certification and on the involvement of our team.
Product quality and reliability.
Solids partnerships.
Constant technological watch.
A team trained in new technologies.
Solutions to suit your needs.
Responding to our customer’s needs.